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Garlic sauce

A sweet garlic sauce perfect for salads. Good also with kebab. Free from gluten and milk.

  • gluten free

  • lactose free

Product information

Package size: 6 x 940g

Water, rapeseed oil, glucose fructose syrup, syrup, modified corn starch, mustard (water, mustard seed, sugar, acidity control (E260), salt), garlic 1,4 %, salt, acidity control (E260, E330), sugar syrup, spices (garlic, chives,dragoon), preservatives (E202), thickener (E415), flavouring (garlic).

Storage: Unopened in room temperature, opened in refridgerator until best before date.

The Garlic sauce is free from lactose and gluten.

Availability: Finland

Nutrition information

Energy1143 kJ / 276 kcal
Fat 25 g 
– about which saturated fatty acid1,8 g 
Carbohydrate 12 g 
– about which sugar7,7 g 
Fiber0,1 g
Protein0,2 g 
Salt1,4 g 
Lactose0/100 g 

Wholesale info

ProductGarlic sauce
6 x 940 g
P no. 8438
Case EAN 6416345084386
Meira Nova 
Cases / pallet 63 pcs