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Chicken Taco 2 x 2kg

Chicken Taco, grilled and IQF

Tasty and versatile chicken taco is the perfect choice as a filling for pita bread or tortilla. Also, try combining it with fries, rice, or salad and enjoy a delicious meal!

  • gluten free

  • lactose free

  • 93%

    meat content

  • 100%

    finnish meat

Product information

Origin of chicken meat: Finland

Package size: 2 x 2kg


Chicken, water, spices (paprika, oregano, majoram, onion, garlic, cumin), pea protein, potato starch and fiber, dextrose, iodized salt, stabilizers (E450, E451), yeast extract, paprika extract.

Meat content 93 %.

Grilled and IQF, lactose free, gluten free and milk free.


~ 10 min

~ 10 min, 185° C

Nutritional information

Energy kJ637
Energy kcal152
Fat5,9 g
– of which saturates1,6 g
Carbohydrates3,4 g
– of which sugars1,6 g
Protein 18 g
Sugar1,8 g

Wholesale info

ProductChicken Taco 2 x 2kg
P no.8732
Case EAN6416345087325
Valio Aimo8088659
Cases / pallet60 pcs