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Special Döner kebab skewer

This kebab skewer is very easy to cut. It lasts very long unchanged in heating.

  • gluten free

  • 76%

    meat content

Product information

Origin of beef meat: several member states of the EU.

Package sizes: 

Beef, water, soy, aroma salt (salt, flavour enhacher (E621), lactose (milk), yeast extract, onion, garlic, celery seeds), potato fibre, potato stach, stabilizers (E450, E451), spices (black pepper, cayenne pepper).

Meat content 76%.

The skewers are raw and frozen, free from gluten and low in lactose.

Availability: Finland and Sweden

Nutrition information

Energy 1018 kJ / 245 kcal
Fat 20 g 
– avout which saturated fatty acid8,2 g 
Carbohydrate2,4 g 
Protein15 g 
Salt1,4 g 
Lactose<1 g/100 g

Wholesale info

Product Special Döner
kebab skewer 15 kg
Special Döner
kebab skewer 25 kg
P no.83528354
Case EAN 64163450835256416345083549
Meira Nova
Cases / pallet 40 pcs24 pcs