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Chicken kebab slices


Grilled and individually frozen chicken kebab slices

  • gluten free

  • lactose free

  • 97%

    meat content

  • 100%

    finnish meat

Product information

Origin of chicken meat: Finland

Package size: 400g

Chicken thigh, water, iodized salt, sugar (sucrose), spices (chili, onion, pepper, garlic, coriander, pepper, allspice, tomato powder, aroma), stabilizers (E450), sugar (dextrose).

Meat content 97%.

The Kebab slices are ready to eat, free from lactose and gluten.

Availability: Finland
New product available! You can find the chicken kebab slices in the freezer in most K-food stores in Finland.


~ 10 min

~ 10 min, 185° C

~ 5 min

Nutrition information

Energy 530 kJ / 127 kcal
Fat5 g 
– about which saturated fatty acid1 g 
Carbohydrate2 g 
– about which sugar2 g 
Protein17 g 
Salt 1,7 g 
Lactose0/100 g 

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Chicken kebab slices