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Hot Chili sauce


  • gluten free

  • lactose free

Product information

Package size: 400g
1 pcs EAN 6416345004490
10 pcs Case EAN 6416345014499

Water, rapeseed oil, tomatoe pyrée, glucose fructose syrup, syrup, red wine vinegar, sugar syrup, spices (chili 1%, cayenne, garlic, onion, pepper, blackpepper, turmeric), salt, spice sauce (spirit vinegar, cayenne, salt), thickener (E415, E405), preservative (E202), color (E120).

Storage: Unopened in room teperature, opened in refridgerator until best before date.

The sauce is free from lactose and gluten.

Availability: Finland
You can find the Hot Chili sauce in all Citymarket and Prisma supermarkets. Availability varietes in K-Supermarket, K-Market, S-Market, Halpa-Halli and Minimani markets.

Nutrition information

Energy1248 kJ / 302 kcal
Fat 27 g 
– about which saturated fatty acid1,9 g 
Carbohydrate13 g 
– about which sugar9,5 g 
Fiber0,7 g
Protein0,8 g 
Salt2,1 g 
Lactose0/100 g 

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Hot Chili sauce