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Thai Meatballs


The meatball that is so dear to us Finns is now available as traditional and slightly more exotic versions. We stand for taste and quality in these too; that’s why we only use local meat – and lots of it; meat content is as high as 75-90%

  • gluten free

  • lactose free

  • 90%

    meat content

  • 100%

    finnish meat

Product information

Origin of meat: Finland.

Package size: 2 x 1,5kg

Beef, water, tapioka starch, salt, spices (jalapeno, ginger, onion, pepper, garlic, chili, parsley, coriander, fennel, oregano, lemon juice powder), pea protein, dextrose, sugar, stabilizer (E450, E451).

Meat content 90%.

Ready to eat, free from lactose, gluten and milk.

Availability: Finland


~ 10-12 min

~ 20 min, 185° C

~ 5 min

Nutrition information

Energy 913 kJ / 218 kcal
Fat16 g 
– about which saturated fatty acid8,9 g 
Carbohydrate 3,5 g 
– about which sugar1,0 g 
Protein15 g 
Salt 1,2 g 
Lactose0/100 g 

Wholesale info

ProductThai meatballs
2 x 1,5 kg
P no. 8634
Case EAN 6416345086342

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